credit where blame is due?

Reviewing the polls at Real Clear Politics, Powerline's John Hinderaker predicts a "rout of astonishing proportions" for Republicans.

Reflecting on the above, Glenn Reynolds adds:

The GOP richly deserves to lose its majority in Congress. I just wish the Democrats deserved to win one.
Yes, the GOP deserves to lose, whether the Democrats deserve to win or not.

But I'd like to ask whether those responsible for the GOP loss deserve to win control of the GOP. Whether the loss is deserved or not there's no question that certain elements in the GOP wanted the GOP to lose, and for some time have advocated a deliberate strategy of defeat. Would it be fair for deliberate defeatists within the party to be heard to complain about the defeat they enabled, while blaming others for it?

Further, should engineers of defeat be allowed to take control of the party whose defeat they engineered? That would make about as giving people who didn't vote the right to run the party they didn't support.

And will the next step be the usual cycles of blame? Back in May, I reflected on a poll showing that 31% of conservatives wanted the GOP to lose. I opined that losing is a poor strategy, and I predicted a futile blame game:

...Pretty soon the losers will be able to go home and lick their wounds. Following a period of wound-licking, the intra-party blame game will start again, this time focusing on who was responsible for the 2006 loss. With any luck, the recriminations and finger pointing will prevent the ascension of a serious Republican challenger in 2008.
I think such cycles of blame will be futile, and I hope my prediction proves wrong.

I'm also worried because I think that once losing sets in as part of the status quo (as "something we can live with") winning will be seen as less important than ideology.

Such thinking could turn a temporary rout into a Long March.

posted by Eric on 10.14.06 at 02:50 PM


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To quote the instapundit (as I have done in the preceding post, too):


Rhodium Heart   ·  October 15, 2006 03:05 AM

I'm a big believer in the power of markets to predict the future. And so, I'll just point out that GOP control of the senate is trading, at, for 70, and house control is selling for 35, suggesting that the senate is pretty secure, and the house is a lost cause.

Jon Thompson   ·  October 15, 2006 03:34 PM

Jon you're right about the power of markets. You really don't have to like Schwarzenegger or the Schwarzenegger Republicans to understand popularity as a factor.

(The "Gropenator" stuff failed to touch him, as he's not into the morality pageants. If anything, by reminding people of the Terminator, the poorly chosen appellation only showed highlighted Arnie's un-scoldable nature. "Yah, I touched the voman! Because I haf a penis!")

Eric Scheie   ·  October 15, 2006 09:06 PM

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