depressing the vote

I feel like taking a vote right now between two choices:

  • I'm happy about the fact that the clocks are being rolled back so it will soon be dark too early in the afternoon.
  • I'm very unhappy about the fact that the clocks are being rolled back so it will soon be dark too early in the afternoon.
  • I think I lose no matter which way I vote. Certainly, I'm in the dark either way, and if I'm unhappy about it I'm wasting my time being unhappy, while if I'm happy about it I'm a deluded fool living in denial.

    Accept it. Fight it. Deny it.

    It's still there, isn't it?

    Hat tip to Dr. Helen, who's honest enough to admit she has problems this time of year when they roll the clocks back, and asks a few questions about Seasonal Affective Disorder:

    Could SAD be culturally induced, caused by the media or companies who want to sell light therapy devices? Or is it real?

    I think SAD is bad, but rolling back the clocks is SADism.

    To me it's like, isn't it bad enough the summer's over without the government rubbing salt in wounds?

    posted by Eric on 10.28.06 at 04:54 PM


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    I hate DST, always have, and always will.

    I suppose it would be better if we had it year-round, instead of switching back and forth, but as it stands, there are only about 90 days in the year when I can drive to work in something other than pitch darkness, and getting rid of DST would increase that substantially. Not that anyone is going to do anything on my behalf, of course.

    CGHill   ·  October 28, 2006 06:04 PM

    I hate getting up while it's dark, and I also hate it when it's dark during working hours in the evening! Maybe they could adjust the clocks to make daylight arrive earlier in the morning, as well last later in the evening.

    If we're serious about changing the time, then why engage in half measures?

    Eric Scheie   ·  October 28, 2006 06:29 PM

    Maybe we could just redesignate the equator a thousand miles further north? That should even things out a bit.

    Mick   ·  October 29, 2006 01:18 AM

    I live somewhere (Las Vegas, Nevada) that's in the wrong time zone. We're the rare case of being misplaced one time zone too far west. Although culturally and economically, we belong in Pacific time with California, the result is that the sun rises way too early and sets too early even in late June, when we should be enjoying those longest days of the year.

    So I love Daylight Savings Time, which brings at least some sensibility and synchronicity to the sunrise and sunset times that reasonably should exist, and I mourn the return to Standard Time.

    (Although I have always enjoyed this, the 49-hour longest weekend of the year.)

    retrofuturistic   ·  October 29, 2006 01:52 AM

    "Maybe they could adjust the clocks to make daylight arrive earlier in the morning, as well last later in the evening."

    I suggest we have 30-minute hours from 08:00-17:00, 60-minute hours from 17:00-23:00, and 90-minute hours from 23:00-08:00.

    Robin S.   ·  October 30, 2006 12:25 PM

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