Faggots. Flames. Bloggers. (Some context required)

Glenn Greenwald thinks the Deb Frisch debate (discussed infra) really ought to be about Misha, for saying the following:

Five ropes, five robes, five trees.

Some assembly required.

This is at least as old as the T shirt.


Well, let's assume that "five robes" refers to the five justices wearing them. While Misha didn't mention anyone by name, it could certainly be surmised that he's talking about the five justices he's just criticized for (in his view) putting the country in danger. Is that an attack on an institution, or is it a personal, real threat? Regardless of interpretation or propriety, it in any way comparable to singling out a two year old child as a proper candidate for murder and sexual abuse?

As to Misha, he says it's hyperbole:

my hyperbole tends to be directed at the ones I have a beef with, rather than at their 2-year-old children
I don't normally go out of my way to defend political hyperbole, because I tend not to use it, but I think there's a difference between something meant personally and literally, and something meant institutionally, figuratively, or even satirically.

I have repeatedly declared that spammers should be crucified. Frankly, I'm a little disappointed that not only has the right wing blogosphere failed to properly condemn me, but Glenn Greenwald -- and (so far as I know) the entire left wing blogosphere -- have also remained silent. I'll echo what Glenn Greenwald calls Confederate Yankee's "most cited sermon[]" here:

one might be tempted to think that this absolute lack of condemnation was a tacit acceptance of these tactics.
Am I to believe that both sides of the blogosphere agree with my plan to take every last spammer and nail him alive to a cross?

Gee, I'd hate to think that my eliminationist rhetoric might be seen in context.

I'm sorry if I sound overly inflammatory, because even though I'm not known for being a self flamer, I have offered to immolate myself before -- in the interests of peace -- but no one ever took me literally.

Am I getting warm yet?

Well, it could be worse.

(I mean, it's not as if this was about Jeff Goldstein's penis.)

UPDATE: Glenn Reynolds is refusing to condemn those who refuse to condemn.

(My refusal to condemn Glenn's refusal to condemn deserves the strongest possible condemnation, I'm sure.)

CORRECTION: I am sorry that I mischaracterized Frank J. by implicitly insinuating his refusal to condemn what he has in fact literally and willingly and with aforethought condemned:

Misha is a bad bad man. It is wrong to call for deaths of Supreme Court Justices. Don't tell me you were just using "hyperbole" because I don't like that word since it looks like it should be pronounced HIPE-ER-BOWL, but it's not. Killing is wrong, and, if you don't like Supreme Court Justices, you should just wait to vote them out of office the next time they hold Supreme Court Elections.
I'm sorry! It just burns me up when I get these things wrong!

posted by Eric on 07.12.06 at 11:24 AM


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"I have repeatedly declared that spammers should be crucified. Frankly, I'm a little disappointed that not only has the right wing blogosphere failed to properly condemn me, but Glenn Greenwald -- and (so far as I know) the entire left wing blogosphere -- have also remained silent."

That may be because spammers are the one thing that that both 'sides' agree on. I saw a lot of posts (from both sides) applauding a murderer when that Russian spammer got murdered. I didn't disagree with them either. Nor do I disagree with you - though I think I'd go for 'rope, tree, some assembly required'.

Kathy K   ·  July 12, 2006 07:47 PM

Thanks Kathy! I realize I'm old fashioned, and a bit of a hard-liner. (But consider my classical, um, position...)

We'll just have to agree to disagree I guess.


Eric Scheie   ·  July 12, 2006 07:56 PM

Perhaps we could compromise on drawing and quartering? ;)

Kathy K   ·  July 12, 2006 08:02 PM

It takes guts to go back to the drawing board!

Eric Scheie   ·  July 12, 2006 10:43 PM


I shall not condemn you, but I will chide you for being unwilling to condemn those who are unwilling to condemn.

[Ben Stein]Naughty, naughty, mustn't do. That's another foul on you.[/Ben Stein]

Alan Kellogg   ·  July 13, 2006 01:15 PM

Those (like you) who fail to condemn those (like me) who fail to condemn those who fail to condemn, are condemned to repeat their condemnatory failure!

Eric Scheie   ·  July 13, 2006 04:13 PM

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