Left behind? On the beach?

Via Pajamas Media, Tim Blair is making fun of the people who are mad at people who made fun of the people who are mad at people for having fun warming the planet. (At least I hope I've got the factual scenario right.)

There's nothing funny about college kids having beach parties when others are suffering from the warmth and need to go door to door to help return us to a cooler world.

But the cooler world also throws parties. They might not be beach parties, but they're drafting beer instead of boys, and Jeff Goldstein is having a dilemma over whether to wear cool apparel:

should I throw on a nice pair of kibbutz-crafted sandals and some knitted bracelets and try to convince everyone I’m the tambourinist for the Indigo Girls?
(Via Glenn Reynolds.)

I know that yesterday was a better day for apocalyptic doom, but I'm still thinking about a "left behind" issue.

Why can't Atrios throw a beach party too instead of always having to be indoors at some cold bar in Chicago?

Is it all about catastrophes like Global Warming? Or is he afraid someone might see a "left behind"?

Or would that be a "moonbutt"?

(I have deliberately failed to upload some highly relevant images, not because of any prudishness on my part, but because I don't believe in butting into anyone's privacy.)

posted by Eric on 06.07.06 at 04:38 PM


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Are you sure we're not moving back into another ice age? I woke up shivering this morning, and it's June!

Dennis   ·  June 8, 2006 09:58 AM

Well, perhaps the Republicans can cancel their beach parties. And blame the Democrats!

Eric Scheie   ·  June 8, 2006 12:01 PM

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