Hurried (and wet) Easter Greetings from Berkeley!

I'm glad to be back in Berkeley, but I have had zero time for blogging. I've only been online twice in the past three days to check email. Now that I have a few minutes, precious time is wasted with the incredibly slow connection speeds which always plague me on the road. (If only there were some way to buy fast Internet on a temporary basis....)

But I uploaded a couple of pictures of my favorite park, which is still there.



That was on Friday.

Today is Easter, and it is raining ferociously. A hell of thing for anyone expected to rise and shine.

But Happy Easter to all!

posted by Eric on 04.16.06 at 08:10 AM


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Raining ferociously, indeed! At 10 AM, I was over at Edgewood Park, near Redwood City, supposed to be leading my annual Easter wildflower hunt, and not only were the flowers still hibernating but the rain was impressive. I guess Berkeley would be half an hour or so downwind in this slow-moving storm.
Curiously, I didn't have any takers for the hike.

The fields would be in fine shape for reenacting the Battle of Culloden, though. And on Friday, somebody was trying to sell me a claymore, just in time for the anniversary....

Happy soggy Easter!

Eric Wilner   ·  April 16, 2006 04:24 PM

Is it my imagination, or does your favorite park look like a rubble and graffiti strewn mess?

Beck   ·  April 17, 2006 04:29 PM

I thought People's Park was your favorite park

beautifulatrocities   ·  April 18, 2006 05:27 AM

The Albany Waterfront Park used to be a dumping ground for construction and building materials for more than a century. A couple decades ago they stopped the dumping and turned it into a park. Other than strewing some dirt over the top, I don't think they did any planting, but just let nature and whatever seeds the wind happens to deliver take their course.

Scott   ·  April 22, 2006 11:25 PM

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