Mark Your Calendars
The Symbolic Systems Program is pleased to host the Singularity Summit at Stanford University, a rare gathering of thinkers to explore the rising impact of science and technology on society. The summit has been organized to further the understanding of a controversial idea – the singularity scenario.

This looks too good to miss. Pity I live so far from it.

Just check out their scheduled speakers...

They're going to have Douglas Hofstadter! There was a time when half the people I knew were trying to read Gödel, Escher, Bach. It was the Guns, Germs, and Steel of its day, albeit denser and chewier.

Some of the other speakers don't look too shabby either. I've always enjoyed Christine Peterson's work, enough to use excerpts from it here at Classical Values. Or what about Sebastian Thrun, the roboticist? Oh yeah, and Ray Kurzweil will be there too. Should you decide to go, you could decide for yourself whether he's a gifted visionary or whatever.

The date? May 13th. The place? Memorial Auditorium, Stanford University. The admission fee? None. It's free, free, free (Opportunity costs not included).

All you need do is make a reservation.

posted by Justin on 04.18.06 at 02:34 PM


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"The Symbolic Systems Program is pleased to host the Singularity Summit at Stanford University..."

No way that's real. You stole that from one of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books.

Harkonnendog   ·  April 18, 2006 05:16 PM

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