Alito Capped?

I've got the flu and loads of research and writing to do, but I came across the stories circulating about Alito and the Princeton alumni group he joined back in the 70's, CAP (Concerned Alumni of Princeton).

After a cursory glance there are two easy conclusions: (1) Alito is a racist, and (2) Alito is sexist.

I haven't put any time into researching the specifics because, like I said, I have work to do. But from what I've read people either ignore or downplay the fact that Princeton was a single-sex institution until 1969.

I've worked at women's institutions (secondary and post-secondary) and seen my share of literature that extols the virtues of single-sex education for women. These institutions always trumpet their history as a virtue, and I can only imagine how their supporters would feel if their traditions were changed and men were admitted.

It's a long-standing double-standard that men's institutions are sexist and exclusionary while women's institutions are empowering.

Which leads to something else: affirmative action.

It seems that CAP was formed in opposition to co-education at a traditionally men's college, and affirmative action. The former is not in itself demonstrably sexist and the latter is not demonstrably racist, though individuals supporting either position may do so out of bigotry. I would reserve judgment.

Drudge is reporting that Democrats in congress will use the words of other CAP members against Alito.

I think that's a weak play.

They could always use the words of Bill Bradley.

posted by Dennis on 01.06.06 at 10:34 PM


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