"There's them that laughs, and knows better. . ."

Just when I was complaining about having to shut up, I discovered that another perfectly good and affectionate word -- "codger" -- is now offensive:

...now "codger" is forbidden, as an "offensive term referring to a senior citizen."

Codger! "Offensive." No word strikes more fear into the heart of modern journalists. "Offensive" could mean meetings and memos and warning notes and angry emails. Some journos love it; so I offend. Fine. It’s in the job description. Others fold up like a card table, horrified — but only if the offended person hails from a designated victim group; they don't lose a lot of sleep if they've offended some nutball right-winger. That is merely a sign you're doing something right.
Charles Hill (who's already calling himself a codger) alerted me to this outrage, and I think I'd better start calling myself a codger right now, before it's too late.

This might take some getting used to.

But hell, there are plenty of role models.


MORE: I just received an email about this from a proud and sarcastic codger:

I think "senior" is offensive, and ageist! In fact, "citizen" is a bit offensive too, as it conotates superiority to non-citizens!

posted by Eric on 11.09.05 at 10:48 AM


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I have had it with Political Correctness. Instead of worrying about what's "offensive" or not we must get back to thinking in terms of what is right or wrong, just or unjust, noble or base, holy or unholy. We must take the offensive against Political Correctness.

The best defense is a good offense.


Eric Scheie   ·  November 9, 2005 02:11 PM

Maybe us codgers need to get together and protest this PC nonsense. Could we get T-shirts proclaiming our codgerdom?? Since many of us are retired we have plenty of time to protest in the streets and if any counter protests spring up we could just whack them with our canes...

Heffalump   ·  November 10, 2005 07:50 AM


My best friends and I call our band "The Coots".


When they hear what we're playing, most people understand.

Billy Beck   ·  November 10, 2005 10:36 PM

Billy, "old coot" is one of my favorites!

Eric Scheie   ·  November 10, 2005 11:33 PM

"He could'a done more, if the hook and pull team'd been faster..."

J. Case   ·  November 13, 2005 10:09 AM

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