Different strokes for different folks!

According to Robert Spencer, wife beating in Australia is becoming a religious rite right:

Can wife-beating be justified under any circumstances? According to some in Australia, yes — if the couple is Muslim.

The Australasian Police Multicultural Advisory Bureau has published and distributed 50,000 copies of an 82-page handbook for Australian police officers, directing them on how to deal with people from all the unfamiliar cultures that an Australian policeman may encounter. A Sikh, for example, may receive a three-day reprieve from arrest if the arresting officer happens upon him while he is reading his holy scriptures — a practice that takes fifty hours, and must not be interrupted. And Muslim husbands who beat their wives must be treated differently from other domestic violence cases, as a matter of cultural sensitivity: “In incidents such as domestic violence,” says the handbook, “police need to have an understanding of the traditions, ways of life and habits of Muslims.”

I guess the stoning of adulterers and "sodomites" in the name of multiculturalism shouldn't be too far behind.

Fortunately, the Aztecs no longer drag sacrificial victims to the tops of pyramids to cut out their beating hearts for the gods.




posted by Eric on 11.06.05 at 09:14 AM


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I had to have heart surgery back in 2001. I'm glad my doctor wasn't an Aztec priest*. I do love the style of their architecture, though, and the names of their Gods.

(*A priest of Questzalcoatl would be OK, though, as the Feathered Serpent took flowers rather than human hearts as sacrifices. I have long identified Quetzalcoatl with Osiris and with the Christ.)

I have had it with Political Correctness, "multi-culturalism" (i.e., any culture, or primitive excuse for a culture, except the West), relativism. I say the high culture of the West is superior. And, even granting relativism momentarily for the sake of argument, it is at least superior for us, it is our culture, and we intend to keep it, come what may. A culture that doubts itself, that loses its faith in its own superiority, in the superiority of its own Gods and values, in its own power, is a culture in decline. This happened to Rome, to Greece, to Egypt, to Babylon, to every culture that has fallen and now lies in ruins. They died by suicide. This is The Suicide of the West.

As to wife-beaters and rapists and such scum, I say the punishment should be harsher if he pleads "multi-culturalism" as an excuse. It should be thrown out of court and any lawyer who invokes it should be disbarred. Our Founding Fathers intended that we were all equal under the law -- and nowhere else. Today, it's the other way around.

I'm proud to be extremely harsh on rapists. The crime should be defined narrowly enough, but the punishment upon conviction should be most stringent, even to castration and/or death. I say any Muslim who rapes should be stripped naked, castrated, and hanged in front of a mosque, as an object lesson to any other Muslims who might get the same idea.

"Aboot the Aztec hymns," said the wily Scotchman. Uh-oh! Calvinism leads to atheism leads to -- Scotland Yard!

>Fortunately, the Aztecs no longer drag sacrificial victims to the tops of pyramids to cut out their beating hearts for the gods.

Don't give them ideas...

>*A priest of Quetzalcoatl would be OK, though

But definitely not a priest of Huitzilopochtli, or Coatlicue (you are right, the names of their gods...). And it is also good not to have a priest of Xipetotec as one's dermatologist, I might add.

Marzo   ·  November 6, 2005 07:58 PM

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