this morning

After a night of drinking with an old friend I awaken to read something truly sobering: terrorism in the city of London.

There really isn't much a guy like me can say right now.

I am puzzled by the refusal of several in the media to call anything terrorism any more. Even now many resort to scare quotes or otherwise assign the claim of terrorism to Prime Minister Blair, as though there were any doubt.

The practice is unconscionable. Are they cowards or something worse?

posted by Dennis on 07.07.05 at 07:51 AM


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Who in the media aren't callng this "terrorism?" So far, none of the biased librul MSM outlets I've read (BBC, CNN, Washington Post) have failed to use the word -- if only because they had to quote Tony Blair using it.

Raging Bee   ·  July 7, 2005 12:08 PM

You make me tired, always putting words in peoples' mouths and .

You could've followed the links in the post and seen examples of scare quotes and the like. And I never said 'the MSM,' a phrase which implies a lot more than 'many in the media.'

I never said anything a 'librul' media, and I wonder what you think it means to link liberals with terrorists. It's asinine, but the argument is easier for you to make if you pretend your 'opponents' are asinine.

Anyway, that wasn't a link I made. It's in your fevered imagination.

So just read through the internet accounts (two of which I linked to) and ask yourself whether journalists avoid using the terms terrorism and terrorist out of fear that they may be targeted, out of pretensions to objectivity (equivalent to reporting 'possible' rainfall as it soaks your trousers), or a genuine relativism (one man's terrorist is another man's insurgent or freedom fighter).

I don't like any of the three options.

The thing about rain is that you don't need to identify the cloud to call it rain. Rain is rain, and al Qaeda or not, it's still terrorism.

Dennis   ·  July 8, 2005 03:27 PM

I'm Politically Incorrect. I dare call terrorists terrorists, traitors traitors, cowards cowards, and heroes heroes. I openly boast that I look at the world through eyes that are biased on the side of my own values, of my own civilization, the high culture of the West, and of my own country, the freest and mightiest nation of the West, the United States of America.

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