"Research" is so predictable!

These days, crackpot conspiracy theories don't take long to spread!

Try googling the phrase "Tony Blair Ordered The London Bombings". Right now I get 3,570 hits, although by tomorrow it will probably be more.

What are they saying? Oh, here's some typical tripe:

Former MI6 operative: The mainstream media
ignores vital evidence of an inside job
By Michael James in Frankfurt, Germany

Rested after a good night's sleep in the Gleneagles Hotel, Tony Blair glanced nervously at his watch and wondered if the bombing of the London transport system would take place on schedule. London's Chief of Police, Sir Ian Blair, and MI5 boss, Eliza Manningham-Buller, had promised to keep him firmly in the loop; and Jack Straw had advised him that the Israelis had been placated.

Blair caught a glimpse of himself in the dresser and checked his profile. Carole, his personal image advisor, had told him to soften the pronounced jaw when seated next to Bush. "You're overdoing the Winston thing," she had said pointedly. "Killing people was yesterday; starving Africans and rainforests is now the thing." She was wrong about the killing, of course. The good Miz Caplin would never understand his rites of passage, at least not in the Brethren's sense of the term. And yet something was still bothering him.

The intelligence services had been caught off balance by Mossad's unwelcome intrusion into matters they considered a strictly British affair. Having the headline "Israel Warned Blair Two Days Before Attack" splashed across the front pages of an otherwise complicit print media was something to be avoided at all costs. Binyamin Netanyahu would go ahead with preparations for his press conference and allow himself to be "advised" by Scotland Yard shortly after the first blast. If MI5 were to dally in their attacks on commuters, he would have no choice but to claim that Scotland Yard had warned him prior to the event, and the Blair government would have to hope that the British people would not notice the obvious irregularity.

Back in London, Netanyahu dropped security protocol and looked cautiously out of his hotel window. Reflecting on his long years of experience....

And so on.

Really, this gets tired.

Besides, we all know it was Karl Rove.

posted by Eric on 07.17.05 at 10:16 PM


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This sounds like something out of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion only not as well written, though better written than some Prussian propaganda Chesterton was quoting.

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