Leftysphere moonbat strikes back!

It isn't often that I find myself accused of being part of the "Leftysphere," but it's now a matter of official record.

This happened yesterday because the Philadelphia Inquirer's Daniel Rubin (who probably wouldn't consider himself a member of the "Rightysphere") linked and discussed my earlier post about Michael Jackson.

Doubtless considering me one of the nattering nabobs of the Leftysphere, here's what the very first commenter said:

Once again, we're left wondering if Dan Rubin has an opinion, an analysis, a conclusion, a point-of-view or an interpretation of this event that is his own.

Oh, and what does the Right Wing of the Blogosphere have to say about this? I tire of the endless quoting of the Leftysphere.

William Young

Considering that Daniel had just been nice enough to quote me for more than three paragraphs, that "Leftysphere" remark hurt, believe me.

Now that I'm a moonbat in addition to being a wingnut, who's left to defend me?

posted by Eric on 06.15.05 at 06:06 PM


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Damn you, Centrist! Damn you to hell-!


urthshu   ·  June 15, 2005 07:55 PM

Somebody calling you a Leftist (obviously without having ever read Classical Values) reminds me of the old "you liberals" thing I've so often heard:

1) A Nazi called a conservative "you liberals" when the conservative disagreed with his racist ideas.

2) A conservative called an Objectivist "you liberals" when the Objectivist criticized Rush Limbaugh.

3) Back when I was in Usenet, I was extolling women having guns, and an anti-feminist exclaimed: "But you liberals hate guns!"

who's left to defend me?

[stands on chair, waves hand]

When you get it from bothsides, you gotta be doing something ri...er...correct!


Darleen   ·  June 15, 2005 10:37 PM

Now that I'm a moonbat in addition to being a wingnut, who's left to defend me?

That sounds like a job for Lew Rockwell.

John   ·  June 16, 2005 08:59 AM

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