Another unprovable feeling

This analysis of allegations that Bill Clinton raped his wife Hillary is quite interesting:

....a new book about Hillary contains bombshell allegations that Chelsea was conceived when Bill raped her. This is a scurrilous allegation that our side should steer clear from for a variety of reasons. First, because something like that shouldn't be said without direct proof, which this guy doesn't have. Second, as much as I can't stand these 2, I can't imagine it's true (yes, I know the Juanita Broaddrick story is out there and she seems somewhat credible) and if I'm right it's not fair to them or Chelsea that this stuff is being bandied about. Hillary is reportedly PO'ed, and quite frankly, I don't blame her one bit.

Worst of all, it gives real ammo to the so-far bogus lament of hers that she's a "victim" of a right wing conspiracy.

(Via Glenn Reynolds.)

Captain Ed thinks it's typical of former Newsweek editors and that Hillary should sue, while Polipundit thinks the whole thing will assist Hillary's ongoing quest for victim status.

My off and over the top reaction? I think Ed Klein (a former Vanity Fair and Newsweek guy) may be working for Hillary Clinton.

I can't prove that any more than Klein can prove that Hillary was raped. (Whether she was raped, of course, depends on her feelings at the time.)

Such feelings are the sort of things that win elections.

Or lose them.

UPDATE (06/17/05): Dick Morris thinks Ed Klein's book is only helping Hillary Clinton:

....these personal attacks just empower the woman and give her examples of over-the-top criticism that she can use to demean the arguments of all who doubt her, for good reasons or for bad.
So what's up with Ed Klein, anyway?

MORE (06/21/05): K. J. Lopez at the Corner asks,

(No, I don't think it's crazy to ask. And I'm glad to see I'm not alone.)

posted by Eric on 06.13.05 at 09:57 AM


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Victimhood not a good thing for a Candidate. People want Superman (or Superwoman in this case). Can see a mis-step here if the Newsweek guy thinks he is helping her. Besides, I would bet on Hillary in a fight with Bill.

Huggy   ·  June 13, 2005 12:31 PM

Alleging that a person has committed a felony (rape is a felony, even if one is married to the victim) is defamation (libel in this case). The most common defense to a charge of libel involving a public figure is that the information is true or that the publisher did not entertain serious doubts about its truthfulness. The public figure has the burden of proving that the libel is false – admittedly difficult in this case, or that the item was published with reckless disregard of its truth. We can presume that the publisher is well aware of the law concerning libel.
I share your suspicions about this Drudge story. My thoughts are that Hillary’s advisors are trying for victim status in order to defuse other revelations in the book that are not quite so sympathetic. The old “pack of lies” defense. So far the lefty reactions I have seen have attempted to characterize this story as a heartless attack on Chelsea – morphing that premise into lauding the parental skills of the Clintons. How they get there from a simple hotel room trashing story (ala rock band members) I don’t know.

notherbob2   ·  June 13, 2005 01:20 PM

Be absolutely certain to read Dean Esmay's take on this. His style! And I agree with him.

I admire Dean
For marrying the Queen.

I admire the Queen
For marrying Dean.

Funny how this (unprovable and un-disprovable) accusation comes up just as people are starting to talk seriously about Hillary as Democratic nominee for President. I guess someone on the right actually suspects she can win.

(And no, the Brodderick story is NOT credible. Special Prosecutor and Clinton-Basher Pursuivant Ken Starr hisself passed it up.)

Raging Bee   ·  June 13, 2005 02:49 PM

Only elite liberals use words like Pursuivant

notherbob2   ·  June 13, 2005 03:36 PM

I've said more than once that her presidency is inevitable.

Eric Scheie   ·  June 13, 2005 04:55 PM

Elite liberals? I got it from "Blackadder."

Raging Bee   ·  June 13, 2005 05:11 PM

Sarcasm and irony are hard to detect on internet comments.

notherbob2   ·  June 13, 2005 06:35 PM

Just go and read Dean Esmay. His style.

Dean Esmay is spot on. But the commenters who tried to compare this "rape" charge to anything Miclael Moore said, and to defensively point out that "everybody else does it," were utterly despicable cowards.

Incidentally, speaking of dragging Chelsea into this, Rush Limbaugh once called her a "dog" on the air, and he's still working, so this low level of "discourse" isn't exactly new on the far right. (Note to Rush: it's okay, Clelsea doesn't want to shag you either.)

Raging Bee   ·  June 14, 2005 10:26 AM

I've never forgiven Rush Limbaugh for that comment about Chelsea. But I must confess that I find that John Derbyshire had more style when he tearfully confessed "I hate Chelsea Clinton", then said something about her bad behavior in a restaurant and some other things he didn't like about her, and then, citing precedents from ancient China and from Stalin's Russia, advocated the execution of the entire Clinton family.

Quite a character John Derbyshire is. Andrew Sullivan named one of his most prestigious "awards" after John Derbyshire. My brother tells me he wrote a book on mathematics. He has always had an interesting style. I suppose I really should get back to reading him. His style John Derbyshire once said that he always laughed whenever he saw the word "Lesbian" and assumed everybody else did so, too. Myself, I always have that reaction whenever I see the name "John Derbyshire".

Couple of thoughts....

Rape being a crime, even in a marriage -- this is relatively new law, isn't it -- from the '80s? Would this actually have been a crime? (see, for example, here)

Establishing her as a victim seems a dubious motive -- but perhaps a tough, but dignified, response to these scurrilous accusations might make her appear more presidential (above the mudslinging).

For those looking for "vast rightwing..." motives here, please remember that the author (Klein) is a well-accredited part of the liberal mainstream. If he's taking his marching orders from Karl Rove...

Clint   ·  June 14, 2005 03:15 PM

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