Osaddama Huladen

I was just playing around with Google Sets, which may actually have its uses, though what follows isn't promising.

Inspired by Chairman How's confusion between Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, I made the two evildoers 'a set.' The results were bewildering:


The only conclusion is that the folks over at Google know intimate details about the relationship between these two men. A careful analysis of this data set reveals that Osama and Saddam had a secret rendezvous in a seedy saloon where the details of their ::ahem:: partnership were hashed out amid fawning praise, soft touches, and gifts of rare and valuable Pokemon trading cards.

The folks at Google, however, have covered their tracks. When I enlarged the set to include Google it returned zero results.

The truth is out there!

- - -

[ed.'s note: I actually thought I'd invented the clever moniker 'Chairman How' for Howard Dean, but I was beaten to the punch. It's got a nice ring to it ... sure would be nice if more people started using it, especially in light of his recent fumbling, bumbling, and stumbling over that pesky issue of socialism.]

posted by Dennis on 05.23.05 at 01:35 PM


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Not sure about How. Might cause confusion.

Eric Scheie   ·  May 23, 2005 04:33 PM

C'mon! Chairman How, Chairman Mao ... it's good fun. And it's much catchier than Bushitler, which sounds like a Japanese martial art.

Dennis   ·  May 23, 2005 06:47 PM

Bush IS evil!!!! We've seen this before, in Oregon, when prisoners of war were eaten!!!! Whatever!!!!

Smitty   ·  May 24, 2005 07:31 AM

Oregon, my Oregon....

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