In a disposable world, life is cheap, and so are cameras!

This camera phone website reports a story from India, with implications anywhere:

Nikhil Niranjan Alva, a documentary filmmaker who won a Green Oscar and who also is the son of an Indian government official, saw a traffic warden beating a taxi driver who refused to stop when asked to.

Nikhil used his camera phone to record the incident and the traffic warden assaulted him. "An assistant inspector, a head constable and a constable were present but they did not interfere," the article says.

The author concludes with a warning to "citizen" journalists and photographers:
This is one more example of how camera phones are helping to document abuses of power. But it also highlights a problem with camera phones usage: Camera phone users are in danger of being assaulted, shot, imprisoned.

I've written before about my fear of camera phone users who could get into trouble documenting illegal activities. We are just beginning to see the effects of "citizen journalists" and "citizen photographers."

That's one advantage of having a throwaway camera like the $59.00 AIPTEK I used to film this near riot in Berkeley. It doesn't have the features of many cameras, but hell, the quality is better than the Zapruder film.

Let's suppose you decide to film a group of anti-American activists burning the flag. Or a Koran desecration in progress. You might get attacked and beaten (more likely they'll just target your camera) but at least you won't be out the cash it takes to replace valuable equipment. And if you have to run away, you'll feel less inhibited about harming the equipment.

I mean, I hate to be a relativist about these things, but human life is cheap, and cameras are still pretty pricey. I suppose the costs of both will keep going down. (Meanwhile, based on additional information supplied for this this InstaRecommendation, I bought one of these for slightly more money, and I can't wait to try it out.)

posted by Eric on 05.16.05 at 04:09 PM


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i REFUSE to own a cell phone.

beautifulatrocities   ·  May 16, 2005 04:56 PM

That's quite understandable, but these days you simply must have something that looks like one in order to fit in. For next to nothing, you can buy older models on ebay, or at least a dummy display model. That way, you can walk around and pretend you're constantly engaged in important discussions. Just say things like "only 200K? BUY NOW!" Or "YOU'RE FIRED!" You wouldn't want strangers to think you didn't have a life, would you?

Eric Scheie   ·  May 16, 2005 05:21 PM

Actually, those are third generation copies of the Zapruder film. I saw a video of the deposition of Zapruder's business partner, one of the people who witnesses the first showing of the film at the local Kodak lab, and he said it was much much clearer than anything you see now. They recently had a new telecine made from a first generation copy, and it is much clearer than that.

And I would still have rather had 50 camera phones going than one Zapruder.

Phelps   ·  May 17, 2005 05:27 PM

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