At last! The Theocratic Left -- uncovered!

The legislature of Texas has just passed a bill to ban "ribald" cheerleading:

After an alternately comic and fiery debate — punctuated by several lawmakers waving pompons — the state House on Tuesday approved a bill to restrict "overtly sexually suggestive" cheerleading to more ladylike performances.

The bill would give the state education commissioner authority to request that school districts review high school performances.

"Girls can get out and do all of these overly sexually performances and we applaud them, and that's not right," said Democratic Rep. Al Edwards, who filed the legislation.

Edwards argued bawdy performances are a distraction for students resulting in pregnancies, dropouts and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Ribald performances are not defined in the bill. "Any adult that's been involved with sex in their lives, they know it when they see it," he said.

The bill passed on a 65-56 vote. It still must be approved by the Senate and signed by Republican Gov. Rick Perry.

One critic questioned the legislation's priorities.

Yeah, we can all question their priorities, but what interests me here is that the legislation was sponsored by a Democrat. I thought only Republicans were into such medieval theocracy.

I blame Hillary Clinton.

posted by Eric on 05.04.05 at 11:56 AM


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When correctly viewed,
Everything is lewd.
I can tell you things about Peter Pan,
Or the Wizard of Oz, there's a dirty old man!
--Tom Lehrer, Smut

Alan Kellogg   ·  May 7, 2005 05:22 AM

This is Texas, dude.

There's no theocracy in this issue at all. You are projecting.

Instafaggot   ·  May 9, 2005 07:40 AM

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