A call to action

The editors at the New Criterion have a good question for protest-minded environmentalists:

But what we wish to know is, why are they so selective in their exhibition of outrage? A logging camp in Maine or the Pacific Northwest gets the full Green treatment: demonstrations, press conferences, sabotage. But what about a major university press whose activities darken hundreds of acres of wood pulp for no good reason?

Their target is the execrable Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century English Literature which is filled with errors and marked by omissions.

A good read. And don't miss the blunt assessment of Andrea Dworkin's intellect at the bottom of the page. Ouch.

posted by Dennis on 05.18.05 at 10:01 AM


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I did a doubletake when I started reading and saw the phrase "depredations of evil loggers."

I thought they'd meant "depredations of evil bloggers."

Eric Scheie   ·  May 18, 2005 12:02 PM

I thought the bit about Dworkin barely touched the surface of her -- there's no other word for it -- bigotry. Not to mention the insanity that underlay it and the intelligentsia's flat refusal to see it for what it was. If a Dwrokinista read this and called it "shallow," or "lazy," she'd be right, though in a way she would not want to acknowledge.

Raging Bee   ·  May 18, 2005 02:57 PM

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