A sincerely regretful plea to save our antiquities!

Via Arthur Silber, I found a fascinating story which, if true, doesn't seem to have gotten the attention it deserves. Apparently, the Washington Post has run a story accusing Glenn Reynolds of condoning the nuking of Rome!

U.S. troops near Baghdad fired on a car Friday night carrying an Italian journalist who had just been freed after a month in captivity, wounding her and another passenger and killing an Italian military intelligence officer, according to Italian and U.S. officials.

Right-wing bloggers immediately demanded the resignations of the heads of all major wire services and the three U.S. broadcast news networks for reporting the incident, which they said reflected poorly on the U.S. military.

"These are nothing more than vicious, cowardly attacks on our heroic warriors for freedom in Iraq," said conservative blogger Michelle Malkin. "The American people need to be protected from such defeatist nonsense." Malkin called for a far-reaching congressional investigation into the loyalty of the "so-called mainstream media."

"Even if the commie slut did get shot, it was no more than she deserved for faking her own kidnapping," added the conservative blog Jawa Report. Meanwhile, commenters on the popular right-wing chat site Little Green Footballs demanded an all-out nuclear attack on Rome to end the scattered anti-American demonstrations that have been held there since the shooting.

"Regretfully, I must agree," added conservative blogger Glenn Reynolds, owner of the popular Instapundit site.

Rome of all places!

The eternal city!

Immortal gods!

Great Caesar's ghost!

Nuked by InstaPundit?

I love satire, but what bothers me about this story is that the WaPo link -- which was provided by Whiskey Bar -- doesn't bring up the actual story. So now I'm really frustrated.

What's up with that?

Let's assume the story is true. That means that, um, Glenn Reynolds actually wants to nuke Rome. (An odd thing considering his proven past affiliations. . . .)

Hmmmm. . . .

After much soul-searching, I have come to a painful decision.

I believe in loyalty to the cause. If, and only if, Glenn Reynolds thinks Rome should be nuked, I guess I'll just have to go along with him -- but only very regretfully. And even then I'd implore, beseech him to please, please use a clean -- a squeaky clean -- neutron bomb!

Our classical heritage must be preserved!

UPDATE: I found a link to the story here. It still seems to be working, but I'd advise going there fast and reading it before they take it down.


For the sake of the blogosphere, I hope the report turns out not to be true.

I'd hate to see things mushroom out of control.

UPDATE: I now learn that Glenn Reynolds delivered a lecture in Washington today. (Sheesh! A hell of a way to welcome a guy.)

For what it's worth, I question the timing!

posted by Eric on 03.11.05 at 01:24 PM


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ALERT! Check out the "byline": Ward Rall and Ted Churchill.

If by some weird chance you don't get it right away, read the names again.

Mike   ·  March 11, 2005 08:12 PM

Arthur Silber! Extremely interesting! An extremely interesting fellow. He has had some extremely interesting things to say about me. I often think about him.

Eric, slow down! I still haven't processed whether or not Hillary is engaging in heteronormative behavior, much less cultural bias against Norwegians or Glenn Reynolds's plan to nuke Rome. Lord ... I'll never catch up at this rate.

bink   ·  March 12, 2005 07:36 AM

Thanks Bink! I took your advice.

After all, Rome wasn't nuked in a day.

Eric Scheie   ·  March 12, 2005 11:39 PM

The style of it all!

"....[Andrew Sullivan] named one of his sarcastic 'awards' after me...."
-Michelle Malkin

Her style!

I wish he'd do that for me. Maybe I should change my name to John Derbyshire.

"....I have to confess....I [....] Chelsea Clinton...."
-John Derbyshire

His style!

Arthur Silber. Extremely interesting. His style! Take a look at the titles of his posts. Only Eric Scheie writes blog post titles that are as interesting, though in a quite different style. Although sometimes in Dean's World something jumps out at me....

"....[Steven Malcolm Anderson] is a [....]...."
-Arthur Silber

His style!

Hail to the Roman Empire!

I regret to say that Arthur Silber's Light of Reason is no longer quite as much fun to read since he moved into his new "digs", as they say. He used to have that special logo at the top showing New York City with the two beams of light rising, symbolizing the two towers. In addition, at the top of his sidebar to the left he had a picture of a lantern with the words "Reason, Individualism, Capitalism, Romanticism". If you put your mouse on that city, those words would appear in red, and if you put your mouse on that lantern, it would reverse its colors from white on yellow to black on blue. I used to play with that all the time while I read his posts.

An extremely interesting fellow. Arthur Silber. I think about him all the time. It was on his blog that I first met you, as well as Jeanine Ring....

Error: white on blue to black on yellow

Ah, the old days!

Eric Scheie   ·  March 13, 2005 09:21 PM

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