Trenchant Political Analyses

Friday, October 15, 2004

"Bush talks and thinks like Milosevic. He will lose, but the most disheartening thing is the prospect of his religio-nationalist reality-deniers clinging fiercely to the sacred glory of their Lost Cause for the next hundred years. We live under the Confederacy. We're a podunk bunch of swaggering pious hicks."

--Bruce Sterling, via email to William Gibson

Saturday, October 24, 2004

It never ceases to amaze me, how Josh Marshall can keep this administration's lies sorted, handily enough to cite and refute them, crisply and authoritatively, day after day. This must amount by now to knowing two entirely different versions of history by heart, the one genuine, the other an endlessly (and indeed artlessly) exfoliating "tissue of sheerest horseshit*"
Here, today, he does it again, skewering the sort of shameless (not to say surreal, grotesque) revisionism that no longer even causes our jaws to drop. Myself, were I to daily and directly subject myself to the full blast of ill-crafted lies issuing from the White House, I would quickly grow punchdrunk and confused. I simply wouldn't have the stomach for it. Not so Josh Marshall. Long may he wave.

--William Gibson, blogging

They started to change with "The Difference Engine".

posted by Justin on 01.25.05 at 08:41 PM


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Does Gibson think it is difficult to sit around and concoct self-gratifying ideas which don't refer to any actualities?

He seems headed for wandering the streets of homeless heaven talking to people who aren't there about things which occur only in his own mind. I sense a schizophrenic break just around the corner from wherever he is right now - and who even knows where that is?

J. Peden   ·  January 26, 2005 09:49 AM


Petro   ·  January 26, 2005 01:07 PM

You nailed it with The Difference Engine... Gibson really was great though, and for quite a while.

Harkonnendog   ·  January 26, 2005 08:18 PM

I'm a religio-nationalist reality-denier.

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