Greetings from snowy Arizona!

Unbelievable as it sounds, I got stuck in a blizzard of snow and ice in the middle of Arizona. It just appeared out of nowhere, and now I'm stuck in Flagstaff for the night. (I had expected to reach Kingman, and now I don't know when I'll get out of here.)

I'll did my best to take a picture without the flash, but it's tough to hold the camera still.


(You can read "Grand Canyon" if you use your imagination.)

I hope I can get out of here in the morning. My car is not equipped for driving in blinding snowstorms. (Nor is the driver or his faithful canine companion.)

posted by Eric on 01.11.05 at 09:54 PM


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That's another beautiful picture. Makes me feel like I'm there, in a very interesting place. I love cities at night. Extremely interesting view of it.

My brother and I drove through Arizona 10 years ago, from Norgales, Mexico, to the Grand Canyon. We started off the trip by watching an annular solar eclipse. We visited a lot of ancient Indian ruins, as well as a Titan missile silo. We stayed at Flagstaff one night. He commented that the local newspaper there was "like 'My Weekly Reader'!" ha! ha!

What's unbelievable about that?

Heck, driving to the Grand Canyon in February a few years back, I nearly got stuck on US89 in a damned near-blizzard, and had to spend the night rather unexpectedly in Williams.

It's *high* desert, it gets cold, and it snows. Ah, well.

At least in Flagstaff you should be able to buy chains ... and they keep the Interstates pretty clear up there.

Sigivald   ·  January 12, 2005 04:12 PM

"High desert" -- brings back good memories of the old High Desert Workshop we had back in good old Talmage Junior High School back in the late 1960s. Our science teacher Mr. Brown used to organize trips during the summer to eastern Oregon. At the end of my last year there, I went on one of those trips with a bunch of other very interesting kids. We had a good time.

Eastern Oregon is a lot different from western Oregon, mainly a lot more sparsely populated. There's a town out there named Granite, the population of which at the time was exactly one (1) man. Quite different from Portland, Salem, or even Monmouth and Independence*.

(*My Mama sometimes called Monmouth "Foulmouth", and some kid once called Independence "Inde-penis". ha! ha!)

People who simply drive between LA and Phoenix think the whole state is just a bunch of sand with a few scattered Saguaros. We have some pretty good mountains, some big lakes, even a couple of decent rivers.

And much lower taxes.

Gary and the Samoyeds   ·  January 14, 2005 02:17 PM

Arisona: Barry Goldwater's state. AuH2O! In my hear, I know he was right.

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

Extremely Right.

How'd I get an "s" instead of a "z"? Arizona

"In my hear"? In my heart!

Too many typos!

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