Spirited Fall Photos

On Thursday, Puff saw his old girlfriend Emily in the park. He's getting pretty old (nearly 15 -- ancient for a large dog) and seeing her really lifted his spirits.


Here's how Puff looked this afternoon, basking on a sort of lovers rock near the Schuylkill River. (Initials carved in the rock date back to at least 1935.)


Driving around aimlessly on the way home from the river, I passed a very striking Ukrainian church. This was taken at sunset.


Hey, everything can't be about politics!

(And I say this fully mindful of the recent controversy over the Ukrainian Greek Catholic patriarchate. More here.)

posted by Eric on 11.06.04 at 10:14 PM


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Puff and Emily. Beautiful. (What would Santorum say about dog-and-dog marriage?) That was another extremely interesting Instalanche. I'm glad Glenn Reynolds likes you. He needs to send more your way. I'm glad Dean Esmay likes you, too. Glenn Reynolds has yet to send an Instalanche to the Queen of All Evil. He needs to do that! I wrote some comments down at the bottom, including a couple fiskings in defense of my values and yours.

More great pictures... you are a much better photographer than a political theorist.

Thivai   ·  November 8, 2004 02:53 AM

Thanks for liking the pictures.

Sometimes it's better to picture things than to talk about them, I guess.

Eric Scheie   ·  November 8, 2004 06:41 AM

Um... are those Xs on the statue eyeballs?

B. Durbin   ·  November 8, 2004 06:57 PM

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