Here come the Leo-Cons!

Once again E. at the Dave has the scoop -- this time digging up a site which exposes Karl Rove's Fascist Plot!

posted by Dennis on 11.05.04 at 10:07 PM


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The Flat Earthers again. "Leo-Cons"? Straussians? Strauss. He has an interesting _style_....

I did not mean to imply that Straussians are Flat Earthers. I mean that Leftists, particularly of the "barking moonbat" variety, are as politically and spiritually relevant today as are the Flat Earthers. The election is over. Bush won. The GOP, the Right, the anti-Left, controls the White House, both Houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the military, and religion. The main struggle today is no longer Right vs. Left, but within the Right: Alan Keyes vs. Mary Cheney

I hope I didn't sound too harsh in that last comment, or giving you the brush-off, or telling you how to blog or what to blog about. Far from it. Keep up the good work.

Perhaps Marxist dingbats fascinate you. That's another spectrum or ideological orientation question, not only whether you see yourself as Leftist or Rightist on whatever spectrum you may use, but also whether you are more fascinated by the Left or by the Right, either as preferred allies or preferred enemies or both. Myself, I prefer Rightists both as allies and as enemies. The spiritual issues rather than the economic. E.g., Newly-elected Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn vs. Lesbianism in the ladies' room, Santorum and his dog, Bork and his bark, etc..

Speaking of which: In his excellent book "The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America Since 1945", George H. Nash wrote of Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin as the two great super-highbrow philosophers influencing the "National Review" orbit of the American Right during the late 1950s and early 1960s era. Frank S. Meyer was an admirer of Eric Voegelin. Today, I hear increasingly about Strauss but not about Voegelin any more. Whatever happened to Voegelin? Hmmm....

The great philosopher of the Right, Bishop Michael de Bey of the One And Only Holy Christian Apostolic Tridentine Tribadentine Catholic Church of the Cathedral of Our Most Holy Virgin Mother, The Queen of Heaven, has written his books "On the Hierarchy of the Angels of God", "Origin, Meaning and Destiny: The Theology of the Sacraments", "The Hierarchy of the Holy Scriptures", and "All Power Comes From Above". I think he will soon write his Spenglerian-style book against obscene graffiti in restrroms: "PornoGraffiti: The Handwriting on the Wall for Western Civilization?"

His High Priestesses and Goddesses, holy Dawn and her holy Negro wife Norma, have written their books on "Polytheistic Holiness" and "Holy Music vs. Drug Music and The Conspiracy behind the Conspiracy", their booklets and filmstrips on "Communism: The Total Tyranny", "Communism All Over The Map", "Creation Myths vs. Evolution", "Drugs vs. You: A Communist Plot", "Communism vs. The Negro", "Holiness vs. Communism" (exalting Total Commitment Marriage), and "Our Holy War: The Goddess vs. The Godless", plus Dawn's "Symphony To The Goddess". They also sell 12-inch rulers with the words "Rule Out The Metric System".

The Far, Far, Far, Far Right.... Spectrums, spectrums, spectrums, spectrums....

I had better clarify to allay your fears: "THe Hierarchy of the Holy Scriptures" is not a Protestantish book, but, rather, extolls the Gospel and the Apocalypse of John and the works of Joachim of Floris.

For a Jewish book, there is "The Hermeutics of the Holy Scriptures" by John Bricker (also author of "The Road Back to Constitutional Government") and his Rabbi, Reuben Rabbinowitz.

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