Can't bloggers dream too?

Via a friend whose name I shall not give, here's some good news:

WASHINGTON - The government promises anyone with a computer will have access within a few years to millions of pages from old newspapers, a slice of American history to be viewed now only by visiting local libraries, newspaper offices or the nation's capital.

The first of what's expected to be 30 million digitized pages from papers published from 1836 through 1922 will be available in 2006.

"Anyone who's interested — teachers, students, historians, lawyers, politicians, even newspaper reporters — will be able to go to their computer at home or at work and at a click of a mouse get immediate, unfiltered access to the greatest source of our history," said Bruce Cole, chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities. He announced the project in a speech at the National Press Club.

Even newspaper reporters?

Isn't that carrying this free flow of information thing a bit far?


Next they'll be saying "even bloggers!"

posted by Eric on 11.17.04 at 09:49 AM


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Even bloggers? Even loggers? Even floggers?

Perhaps they'll show us the archives of "The Daily Planet" and of Gail Wynand's "Banner".

I, too, had a dream....

I had a dream about "breathless" Michelle Malkin last night. I hated her, she was a complete fascist, but she was _very_ sexy. She wrote a book in that dream, the kind of book I often dream about, with lots of charts and spectrum dualisms, even though I completely disagreed with the the ideology she was advocating. She was against homosexual marriage. Then, she changed sides and started preaching the ideology, the Conservative Lesbian Individualist Theology, of "breathless" holy Dawn and her holy Negro wife Norma, for homosexual marriage and against adultery. The _styles_ of the Starboard side of a spectrum! Tight and High.

Genealogists everywhere will dance with joy!!

Don't worry too much about newspaper reporters being allowed access; just because they can, doesn't mean they will. I expect the quality of reporting to remain the same.

Persnickety   ·  November 18, 2004 08:41 AM

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