Two very important things!

I have to leave -- in a hurry right now -- for most of the day, and I'll probably return late, but there are a couple of items I can't ignore, even though they merit more than this quick post.

Remember Kerry's Global Test? According to Bill Whittle, he's already failed it, because France and Germany will not assist in the war Kerry labels as "wrong war in the wrong place in the wrong time."

Second, you cannot even throw the cloak of wishful thinking over Senator Kerry’s strategic nakedness, because as those of us in pajamas are well aware, the governments of the Grand Rescue Alliance – that is, Germany and France – have both announced publicly and in the most clear language available that regardless of who wins the election in November, they are not coming to Iraq.

That is not my opinion, that is not a product of the Republican Smear Machine…that is an official statement from the governments of the nations in question, stating unequivocally that they are not going to be a part of a coalition that is against their interests even if it is lead by an American who went to Swiss schools and speaks fluent French.

Is it possible to put this any more plainly? They do not have any meaningful capability, and they are publicly pledging that their lack of meaningful capability is…not…coming.
(Via Glenn Reynolds.)

That essay, like Bill Whittle's earlier Strength masterpiece, is a must-read.

What's also a must-read (and a masterpiece in its own right) is today's Carnival of the Vanities, hosted by Beck at Incite. Beck reviews over fifty entries, and his beautiful writing is matched only by the striking graphics. It's real art all the way through, and the sheer quantity and quality of the posts is evidence that the blogosphere is a potent force which is here to stay. (Ignore us at your peril, Old Media!)

Beck put a lot of work into this, which I won't spoil by reviewing any of them myself (besides, I don't have time!).

The kind words about Classical Values are deeply appreciated. (But when I read Bill Whittle, or the current Carnival, my entry hardly seems gargantuan!)

posted by Eric on 10.06.04 at 03:33 PM


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