Rather traditional....

A couple of true ["true blue"?] quotes to start the day......

Let's start with a modern classic. Here's Dan Rather defending the "Killian" memos:

CBS News also relied on an analysis of the contents of the documents themselves, to determine the content's authenticity. The new papers are in line with what is known about the president's service assignments and dates.

And here's Henry Ford, defending the Protocols of the Elders of Zion:

The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit it now.

Plenty of people will always agree with Rather, just as plenty of people still agree with Ford.

Some things never change!

posted by Eric on 09.21.04 at 06:35 AM


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That is exactly the parallel I have been thinking about, these "fake but accurate" memos and the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion".

Funny this election, educational in a certain way. Last election we learned all about the different kinds and nuances of chads. This time around, we're learning all about medals, the geography of Viet Nam and Cambodia, fonts of typewriters in the early 1970s, and pyjamas (pajamas, jammies, PJ's).

These color symbolisms. I keep thinking about this interesting reversal during the last four years. Traditionally, red has been the color of the Left or the liberals while blue has been the color of the Right or the conservatives. I've read that the colors of the flag of Panama reflect that old symbolism, and I have a book "Are You a Conservative or a Liberal?" with a blue arrow pointing right vs. a red arrow pointing left on the cover.

Perhaps this has to do with the historic shifting of which is the elitist vs. which is the populist side. Historically, the Right has been the side of the elites, of royalty, clergy, and nobility, and later of the capitalists, the side of inequality and hierarchy, the side of the "blue-bloods", while the Left has been the side of the common man, of the sansculottes, of the peasants and workers, the side of equality and democracy, the side that held up the red banner of proletarian revolution.

Today, the spectrumology seems to be switching around in many ways. The Left is increasingly identified with elites in academia and in the media, both of news and of entertainment, the "Jet Set", the "limousine liberals", "parlor pinks", or "radical chic", "effete snobs" (as Agnew called them), "the annointed", today's "blue-bloods", while the Right increasingly identifies itself with the common man, the ordinary (or "ornery" as some like to call themselves) American, the farmers and workers and small businessmen and housewives, the "silent majority", the "red-blooded" "red-meat eaters".

Interesting questions about it all.... Spectrums, spectrums, spectrums, spectrums.... Colors, colors, colors, colors....

My own color symbolisms:

On the Far Left: Wanda and her women (Wendy, Cindy, Sandy, Candy, Brandy, Brenda, Glenda, Stella, Hannah...), Liberal, libertine, for license, for science, atheism, relativity, promiscuity, adultery, marijuana, the metric system, and anarchy -- green and purple.

On the Far Right: Dawn and her holy Negro wife Norma, Conservative, captive, for discipline, for myth, polytheism, absolutes, monogamy, Total Commitment marriage, Mondrian, the Mercator Map, and monarchy -- blue and red.

I must get back to blogging about it all....

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