More videos, Moore dedications?

More beheadings of innocent people by bloodthirsty barbarians.

Every time this happens, I wonder whether each beheading video should be dedicated to Michael Moore with something like this:

"The beheading video you are about to see is dedicated to Michael Moore -- a great American patriot who is spreading the truth."
The latest video atrocity involves the beheading of Nepalese contractors:
BAGHDAD - Islamic extremists in Iraq beheaded one Nepalese kidnap victim and executed 11 others with bullets to the backs of their heads, according to a video posted on a Web site yesterday.

The little-known Ansar al-Sunna Army posted the video, which shows a masked man in military fatigues beheading a hostage who is lying blindfolded on dusty, gray soil. Eleven more prisoners are then killed by single shots to the back of the head as they lie face down in a row.

The group said the men, kidnapped in August, were working for a Jordanian company in Iraq and were killed for working with the United States against Islam.

I am sick and tired of seeing my local newspaper (and all the major newspapers) refer to psychotic, bloodthirsty terrorists as "extremists." (A word they use to describe Americans who believe in things like lower taxes...)

For most readers, there's little point in watching the video (available for streaming here as they all are). I won't bother. But I'm glad it's available anyway, because some people need a reminder of what we are fighting.

Why we fight.

And what Michael Moore supports.

posted by Eric on 09.01.04 at 10:44 AM


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I am an extremist -- proudly

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
-Barry Goldwater, 1964, Republican National Convention

In my heart I know he was right. The Republicans need to get back to their Goldwater roots. Individual freedom and responsibility, limited Constitutional government, and a strong military defense.

I am a Right-Wing Extremist -- Extremely Right. Terrorists (and the media who appease them) are Extremely Wrong. They are nothing but thugs and murderers.

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