Moore loves his victims!

The big-hearted Michael Moore claims that he "loves" President Bush's twin daughters, and, kind man he is, he doesn't even begrudge their celebrating with their dad. Still, he reminds them how lucky they are not to share the plight of their father's victims:

....I loved the Bush daughters: They were funny, sassy and free spirits. Back in 1999, they told their father in no uncertain terms that they did not want him to run for president. They wanted their dad at home, they wanted their privacy, and they wanted to go to college in peace. He chose to ignore their pleas — and I guess Tuesday night was their way of saying, "Thanks, Dad."

And thank him they should. He and Laura have obviously done a good job raising two bright, independent women. He made their privacy a top priority and did what he could to protect them. They clearly love their parents and, when you see that happen, you know the Bushes did something right in their home. For that, they should be commended.

Other fathers and mothers who loved their daughters and sons across America can no longer celebrate with them. That's because their children are dead on the streets and roads of Iraq, sent there by Mr. Bush to "defend" America.

That condescending sentiment above expresses perfectly Moore's mentality -- and that of many of the left. The word "defend" is in quotes, because the real defenders are those who are killing the "children" who are "dead on the streets and roads of Iraq." The problem is that this sets up a contradiction, for if only the Iraqis are entitled to "defend" then that makes the daughters and sons of Americas the attackers! Thus, Moore has to paint them as children, as victims of the evil Bush. Innocents who know not what they do.

Just like Bush's poor daughters! They couldn't stop their madman of a father any more than his victims in the military.

Or the innocent beheaders in Iraq.

Moore's conclusion? Bush would have apologized to America and the world had he only looked into his daughters' eyes:

If he takes a moment to look into his daughters' eyes tonight, he will know the answer and give the greatest speech of his life.
Jenna and Barbara as antiwar activists?

I guess a malignant narcissist can dream.

posted by Eric on 09.03.04 at 09:07 AM


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