De-Vendors of Freedom?

Call me old-fashioned, but what ever happened to personal responsibility?

I've been wondering why every soda machine on campus disappeared a few months back, and I may have stumbled onto the answer last night flipping past Teen Jeopardy (it's painful to watch a dumbed-down show dumbed-down more).

There was something about fighting obesity and the question had to do with removing soda machines from college campuses (or campi for the purists).

Now, if that's the case what about my water? I know -- I've heard it before: water should be free. I've seen the heroic peasants in India fighting Coca Cola over water rights. I've seen the bumper stickers on gas guzzling cars yearning after Utopia. But water isn't free unless you want dysentery.

Not selling water doesn't make a political statement. It just makes me thirsty.

But back to soda and obesity, I say "my body, my choice!" Where goes soda, so does your freedom!

posted by Dennis on 08.11.04 at 10:19 AM


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Here's a typical example of such idiocy:

I see collusion between commies and health nuts!

Here's a typical example of the latter:

Might be a business opportunity for someone.

Removing vending machines to fight obesity is, however, at least as logical as removing condom machines to fight sexual promiscuity!

Eric Scheie   ·  August 11, 2004 01:50 PM

There may be an additional problem. By facilitating the sale of stigmatizing items (or items that not every student could have), the vending machines might be encouraging "rejectionism."

And according to this report, the new trend is to penalize rejectionism.

"A California school district is considering adopting a new policy that could cause students to be expelled for 'rejecting' each other, for sharing 'unpleasant stories' about each other – even if true – or for associating with like-minded peers in groups if others feel 'left out.'"

Dietary disagreements, disagreements over the political implications of Coca Cola, stigmatization of the fat by the non-fat (or vice versa) could easily fuel rejectionist tendencies, or feelings of being rejected. It's really unfair to all to have machines which encourage such things.

Eric Scheie   ·  August 11, 2004 02:58 PM

I'm a total rejectionist against all egalitarians. There's a movement in the elementary schools I read about a few years ago that forbids children to have best friends because it makes others feel left out. More and more, we are heading toward the society Ayn Rand described in "Anthem", where the "sin of preference" was prohibited. The things she wrote about in her novels are coming true every day. Orwell, too. I'm against that. I love liberty. I hate equality.

you better watch out! when the powers that be have finished othering smokers and hounding them into dark (and poorly ventilated) corners, they're coming for you pitiable caffeine-consumers! beware, addicts all!!!

E   ·  August 12, 2004 01:09 AM

Eggs, too, are being repressed. You can't buy a refrigerator with its own little egg compartment anymore. The Food Nazis made refrigerator-makers stop making egg holders, because apparently once upon a time somebody's egg cracked a leak, spilled its innards, and developed salmonella.

Persnickety   ·  August 12, 2004 02:04 AM

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