Fumes from the past....

Here are a couple of pictures I took while visiting one of the uninhabited small volcanic islands in the Aegean Sea.

I'm not an expert on the difference between "dormant" and "extinct" volcanoes, but what I liked about this one hole I photographed is that even though it was quite warm to the touch and emitted sulpherous smoke, I could walk right up to it, and use the macro lens on my camera, to peek inside.

Here's a view of the hole:


And here's a view of the hill leading up to it. No actual lava; just accumulated deposits mixed in with what appear to be sulpher-friendly lichens:


I have no idea how long this has been smoldering, because there wasn't any guide to speak of. This was one of those low-cost excursions where a bunch of young people just paid ten dollars to pile into a boat to be dropped off on the island for a few hours. Nice volcanic swimming area too, formed by a tiny cove where the ocean water was very hot! You had to be careful where you swam because the water was uncomfortably hot in some places.

No one was in charge. (Unlesss you believe in Poseidon, or Hephaestus, aka Vulcan....)

Speaking of sulfur, read Michelle's reflections on recent terrorism:

"We bring the good news to Muslims of the world that the expected 'Winds of Black Death' strike against America is now in its final stage...90 percent (ready) and God willing near."

That's what yesterday's alleged letter from al Qaida read.

Yet the left keep opposing the war on terror. They oppose our intolerance for radical Muslims. And all their bitter opposition sounds like cheers to to our enemies.

I stand next to these people and I can sense the negativity. They sweat hatred. You can smell it. It smells like sulfur.....

(Via Glenn Reynolds.)


Fumes from the past....

(I hope.)

posted by Eric on 03.13.04 at 01:26 PM


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