Hanoi Jane, meet Tehran John?

I just received the following email from BLOG-IRAN:

Dear Bloggers and Talk Radio Hosts:

Look at these articles and others that will surely come out. Then be sure to pay close attention to those who contribute money to the Kerry campaign. There are lobbyists (PRO-Islamic Regime) in the US putting tons of money in his pockets as well as other politicians. Remember: Many Iranian groups in the US are on the right side and are with the Iranian people, however - there are some groups who definitely work for the regime and spend millions of dollars in an effort to prolong the Islamic Republic's life and hold 70 million Iranians hostage. The regime is on the verge of collapse - PLEASE WATCH THIS STORY and GET THE WORD OUT!

Here is Senator Kerry's Debut in the Islamic Criminal Regime's Papers:


Senator Kerry Would Seek Direct Talks With Iran: Adviser


Kerry Says He Will Repair Damage If He Wins Election

The problem I am having right now is that I cannot get the links to open. Instead, I get the following error message:

Due to technical problems you can not see TehranTimes at the moment.
Please try again later.

Hope its not an FDR coincidence!

I'll keep checking.

Surely this has to be a coincidence.


I just got another email with the correct links:

Kerry Says He Will Repair Damage If He Wins Election

Senator Kerry Would Seek Direct Talks With Iran: Adviser


(Whew! For a minute there, I thought someone from the Kerry campaign was trying to hide something....)

With an endorsement from the Tehran Times, how can Kerry lose?


(It's not polite to point.)


posted by Eric on 02.10.04 at 09:52 PM


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AC   ·  February 10, 2004 11:10 PM

I remember that FDR quote well. I first saw it Gary Allen's "None Dare Call it Conspiracy". Jim Goad quotes it also in his "The Redneck Manifesto".

What I also first saw in "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" was a comparison of two political spectrums:
1) On the Far Left, International Socialism or Communism. In the Middle, Democratic or Fabian Socialism. On the Far Right, National Socialism or Nazism. The entire spectrum is Socialist!
2) On the Far Left, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Total Government. On the Right, Limited Government, Constitutional Republic, Free Enterprise. On the Far Right, No Government or Anarchy.

The _style_ of that! That was one of the things that first got me into ideological spectrums. Another was a spectrum in "MAD" magazine in 1972, from "Anarchists" to "New Left Extremists", "Leftists", Liberals", "Conservatives", "Reactionaries", "Right Wing Militants", to "Fascists", depicting their _styles_ in concrete detail.
Spectrums, spectrums, spectrums, spectrums....

Steven Malcolm Anderson   ·  February 11, 2004 01:34 AM

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