Michael Moore endorses Republican!

Things are not looking good for Wesley Clark. First, there was his miserably poor showing in the Des Moines Register poll (via InstaPundit.)

But now, Michael Moore has endorsed the guy. (via camedwards.com)

Stunning death blow?

I don't know how he'll overcome this one.

But one lingering question: what the hell is Michael Moore doing supporting a Republican? (from Jack O'Toole, via InstaPundit.)

UPDATE: George McGovern has also endorsed General Clark.

However, in New Hampshire, Howard Dean is on the skids, while Clark and Kerry are vying for the top.

(My money is still on Clark, because the anti-war general theme still seems like the best triangulation strategy.)

UPDATE: Well, Dean seems to have flopped! Edwards now exists as a candidate. (And I had thought he was just a pretty boy type -- appealing mainly to women.....)

None of this means that I would even consider voting for any of these people, of course. Were I Karl Rove, I would be more comfortable with Kerry than Clark -- but I'm not Rove, and who the hell cares what I think about these things?

All things considered, I'd rather write about the Ostrogoths!

A VERY SMALL POINT: Notwithstanding David Broder's and Tim Russert's concerns, size did not turn out to be much of a factor in Iowa.... (Via InstaPundit.)

Who is Gephardt going to endorse, anyway?

ONE LAST OBSERVATION: I have lived in Iowa, and my father was a Minnesotan, so I know a little about attitudes there. Perhaps it is right that Iowa is the first state in the primaries, because primary elections are about opportunism, yet opportunism doesn't go over well in the Midwest. Thus, the most obvious opportunists are spotted early -- and nailed. I winced when I saw Dean's church stunt with Jimmy Carter, for I knew it would play poorly in Iowa. Remember the Wellstone funeral backlash? Same deal.

Politics! It is the essence of opportunism -- yet to succeed in politics one must be as skilled at hiding the opportunism as at exploiting it! What could be more opportunistic than that?

posted by Eric on 01.19.04 at 06:47 PM


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