Islamist snuff films don't lead to alms!

Latest idea? Frighten Americans and embolden Jihadis by distributing snuff films like the one showing Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl having his head cut off.

I don't know the extent to which this has been independently verified, but this site discusses the idea (and links to a rather sickening video):

The newest tactical plan in the Islamist propaganda campaign is to create and distribute videos to the media showing the actual rape/torture/murder of westerners specifically kidnapped for these productions.


It will also interest you to know that these types of videos were made as fund-raisers for the Islamist cause and that it was possible to have placed a custom order for the type of person and style of execution.

For the majority of those Westerners who have had the gumption to view the video clips, they represent a shocking introduction into the twelfth century morality that seems to be irrevocably entwined in the Islamist mentality. It is also an indelible introduction to the use of video as a weapon in and of itself.

Americans (especially journalists) are expected to be the unwitting tools of our own demise:
The unwilling primary actors for this deliberately cold-blooded exercise in psychological terror operations are to be western, but preferably American military personnel, business people, non-governmental organization (NGO) charity workers and lastly journalists themselves. The ranking of potential victims is purposeful as it is the journalists who must complete the distribution cycle and it would not do to unduly alarm them, unless of course they fail to cooperate as expected.


[T]he bottom line for the consumers of mass media...[i]s the decision of whether to continue to become shocked and dismayed by the already-announced dissemination of barbarous images though our own media outlets that lack the mature and objective self-restraint required… or to finally become aware of who we are as a nation and a culture, the true nature of whom are at war with and begin to deal with it rationally and decisively.

I don't know how true the report is, but I think the deliberate production of snuff videos involving Americans is the last thing terrorist Jihadis should want to do. Americans have a long, proven history of getting really pissed off by tactics like deliberate torture of innocent civilians, women, and children. They tend to lose any sympathy they might otherwise have had.

Americans are generally decent, big-hearted people, and inclined to be charitable, even genuinely compassionate. But let those who might otherwise be seen as sympathetic underdogs resort to bloodthirsty tactics like torturing American civilians, and Americans are inclined to be in a very uncharitable mood.

Americans have an ugly, (even politically incorrect) history of saying things like, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian!"

And acting accordingly.

It's all very regrettable, of course.....

I would never condone it.

But just the same, I wouldn't advise snuff films as a way to defeat Americans.

posted by Eric on 12.16.03 at 08:43 AM


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You are not Politically Correct. Islam is the Religion of Peace. And if you deny or question that, they will cut your throat. Remember that the vast majority Muslims are peaceful and dislike terrorism, and it is bigoted to question that -- and also remember that every time we take action against a terrorist, 100 of these peace-loving Muslims will suddenly burst into flames and turn into terrorists themselves. At least, that's what I've been hearing from many of our intellectuals ever since 9/11/2001, and what they say must be true because I saw it on TV. By the way, Islam means "surrender".

Steven Malcolm Anderson   ·  December 16, 2003 02:31 PM


trudt   ·  May 15, 2004 08:10 PM

Punish the people who did it, but forgive

Shinji Otaru   ·  June 22, 2004 02:38 AM

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