Backlash works!

I am beginning to see why Karl Rove was pulling for Howard Dean....

I refer to Ted Rall's endorsement, of course.

Rall strikes an eerily conciliatory tone right now, even appearing to countenance (gulp) centrism:

Brilliant, aggressive and moneyed (that's Dean Witter to you, pal), Dr. Dean has a corner on the single most important issue to Americans: health care. His politics are surprisingly centrist, in both the refreshing sense (he's pro-Second Amendment and he came out for class-, rather than race-based affirmative action) and in the disappointing, Clintonian sense (he opposed invading Iraq, but not Afghanistan). He's got traditional Democratic constituents (he just stole the biggest AFL-CIO union's endorsement away from Gephardt) and fresh new ones (twentysomething bloggers have mailed him $25 million in crisp twenties).
Conciliatory language is simply smart politics, but Rall knows it can't stop what he calls "Karl Rove's brutal war machine."

Rall knows whereof he speaks, and Rove's dirty tricksters know no bounds! Already, they are circulating Rall's own cartoon ridiculing 9/11 widows. Brutal tactics indeed!

For Rove, it must be like shooting fish in a barrel.

posted by Eric on 11.24.03 at 04:44 AM


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