Here's a new wrinkle: in at least one state, certain religious zealots are pushing to keep unconstitutional sodomy laws on the books -- because they think it will help block gay marriage.

By not repealing the law, the legislature will protect the definitions and institutions of marriage and family in the face of the court's outrageous decision. Keeping the law will send a clear message that the Commonwealth of Virginia is serious about marriage and decency. Laws like this demonstrate the state's preference toward what has been the bedrock of civilization throughout history - the traditional family unit.
Send a message! Save historic laws!

You know, I think the Virginia legislature ought to consider that such things as the ducking stool, the scold's bridle, and the whipping post have also been the bedrock of civilization throughout history. While they may be unconstitutional, I think it's high time to dust off the venerable old statute books and resurrect our country's time-honored statutes -- for only then will we be able to send a clear message that we are serious about upholding "God's law."

posted by Eric on 10.17.03 at 05:26 AM


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Let's keep anti-miscegenation laws on the books, too, to preserve the purity of marriage. Segregation laws generally and slave codes, too. Even if we can't enforce those laws anymore, we can still send a message to those (literally) trapped in darkness by Original Sin that we do not approve of their licentious behavior. We do not hate the sinners, we merely hate their sin. And let's go to Germany and revive the Nuremburg Laws, even if they can't be enforced anymore (D-Day -- a Satanic plot). There is a certain deviant minority, about 1-3% of the population, which disproportionately influences the arts, theater, literature, the sciences, law, finance, and politics. But you must not dare to accuse of hating that minority. We are not bigots! How dare you call us bigots? Or ChristiaNazis?! You -- you Christian-bashing bigot, you! Remember, we do not hate the sinners, we only hate their sins. We seek only to convert them, lead them to Christ, to CHANGE them, make them over into something they're not, cleanse them of their deviant thoughts, wash their brains, bleach them into for their own good, of course, because we love them so, our Christian love. To a gas chamber -- go! Because we love you so. Our love is pure, not contaminated by selfish fleshly lusts. Remember, it's not about hating minorities, it's about protecting marriage and family, Christian morality, decency, German Blood and Honor.

Steven Malcolm Anderson   ·  October 17, 2003 08:08 AM

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