Life and death issues in the blogosphere

My blogfather recently lamented the long absence of Bill Quick, and I am glad he's finally back. I was starting to worry, especially because Jeff has been at this far longer than I, and he had said this just last week:

Bill, please come back. You're one of the folks who started this whole thing and... Yes, you did coin the term, "blogosphere." Now please come back to it because you are one of the best and are also one of the reasons many of us leaped into the same fire. You're also one of the really nice folks in this business.
I haven't been blogging all that long, but I have already noticed dead or dying blogs, and I find it a bit depressing, because in the blogosphere a blog is all you know about a person. I guess the downside of blogging is that blogs can just disappear, and you might never know why. When it dies, it is as if that person has died. The more you get to know and like a blog, the more distressing it is when you see it "sick" or wasting away. (Too much real death in the real world may have made me hypersensitive, of course, so if Bill Quick's fishing vacation had gone on much longer I would have written something downright maudlin.)

Welcome back, Daily Pundit!

posted by Eric on 10.14.03 at 08:17 PM


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I will be back to blogging soon. Been extremely busy. Also, a new domain name change is coming in the near furure. I'll notify you as soon as that comes about.

Steven Malcolm Anderson   ·  October 16, 2003 08:30 AM

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