More terrorism, less unhappiness!

They're all still trying to whack away at the Second Amendment based on an unending attack on John Lott's statistics, and while I agree with Glenn Reynolds that an an independent study should probably be done, my point is that statistics are often completely ridiculous.

This study (link also via Instapundit) proves it:

The Paradox of Terror
Three different countries were recently polled, and respondents were asked whether or not they were satisfied with their lives. The three countries were Israel, the United States, and Canada.

Now. Ask yourself which of these three countries is probably the happiest, and which is the most distraught.

I would have guessed Canadians would be happiest, followed by Americans, and then Israelis. And I would have gotten it exactly backward.

In Israel 83 percent say they are happy.

In the United States 64 percent say they are happy.

In Canada only 45 percent say they are happy.

What these statistics mean, of course, is that if we win the war on terror, we will definitely become suicidally depressed.

posted by Eric on 09.19.03 at 07:25 PM


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