"Cui Bono?"

"Conservative" Michael Savage is at it again. Don't say you weren't warned, because I tried. Repeatedly. (Yup.)

This time, he is doing his level best to ruin Arnold Schwarzenegger's chances of winning the California election.

Not that Savage isn't smart enough to know this, of course. With Bustamante in, his radio show will have much more to complain about, because Hispanic bashing (he calls them "animals") is one of his favorite pastimes.

As to the timing, why would Savage wait until now? My theory is that the McClintock campaign is uneasy about Schwarzenegger's vow yesterday to fight the issuance of drivers licenses to illegal aliens. So, now he has enlisted California's most vehement and divisive immigrant-basher in a cheap demagogic maneuver to ensure that Schwarzenegger will be (as George Wallace used to say) "out-niggered." (Yeah, he will be, because Arnie is no bigot -- but McClintock has zero hope of winning.)

Divisiveness. Bigotry. Another lost election.

Who benefits?

posted by Eric on 09.05.03 at 02:24 PM


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