A good example....
A good example is the best sermon.

-- Benjamin Franklin

I am on a long road trip, so I haven't been able to do much of my blogger "homework" -- like visiting all my links and keeping up to date with everything. It's just impossible to do that while on the road.

However, I just found out that my blogfather, Jeff (that's the one and only Alphecca), said some of the kindest things anyone has ever said about me, and I want to thank him for it. I also should thank him for his service to the cause of human dignity and the Second Amendment. I consider myself to be very lucky that this "gay gun nut" who lives in rural Vermont would help sponsor me as he did, because he is a guy who walks the walk, and doesn't go whining for his rights. He lives his rights.

Guys like Jeff are real leaders, as far as I'm concerned.

He's also way ahead of the curve politically.....

posted by Eric on 08.01.03 at 04:53 PM


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