Balance? Having been tested


Having been tested and found to be a liberal asshole, I am relieved to find a ray of hope. I like to think of myself as a Classical liberal (definitely not liberal by modern standards). Now comes Victor Davis Hanson on Classical Values (not my blog, just the concept, which I like to capitalize):

The Greeks were fascinated with the need to adhere to the mean (to meson). The idea became commonplace that there was a sort of natural equilibrium in things that tended to pull events, emotions, and people themselves back to the center, away from both hubris and inaction.

I think such a classical concept of the need for balance can explain (though in ways many it would not appreciate) many of the crises of the last two years — at least far better than does the caricature of Mr. Bush and his administration as shoot-from-the-hip cowboys unfamiliar with the unnecessary requisites of polite diplomacy.


Over the past two years we have been trying to return from an out-of-kilter past to the mean: to a place where terrorists do not believe it is tolerable to poach some Americans, where nations do not unleash their stealthy killers loose against us, where we cease ignoring — or paying bribes — to murderers, and where our allies resemble friends rather than enemies.


I like that, and I appreciate Mr. Hanson's praise of the ancients.

The way some conservatives routinely smear the ancients, it is refreshing to see one highly respected conservative praise them.

posted by Eric on 07.19.03 at 07:16 PM


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