Vicious coldening strikes innocent Argentines!

From the Economist:

Snow fell in Buenos Aires, for the first time in 89 years.
They even have a picture to go with it.

BA_Snow.jpg Initially, this struck me as odd, because I hadn't read that Al Gore visited there lately. (A phenomenon known as the Al Gore coldening effect, which has been documented by Tim Blair.)

I don't mean to joke about things like this. The fact is, it's so cold in Argentina that people are dying. And Al Gore has been described as "angry. Very Angry.."

Oh, really? Methinks he doth protest too much!

Because, as it turns out, Al Gore did visit Buenos Aires recently -- in May! His visit was opposed by the Grupo Reflexión Rural, which accused him of staging a "media and propaganda coup in favor of the agrofuels industry."

Of course, the coup that Al Gore staged in May was only the beginning. We all know what followed.

It took me a little time to find the clincher, but this headline says it all:

Live Earth Concerts worked: Al Gore makes it snow in Argentina.
Case closed, I'd say.

posted by Eric on 07.13.07 at 10:56 AM


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As has been pointed out before, GW gives the atmosphere more energy to play around with. The result is not a gentle uniform warming, but produces extreme weather.

One that you must have heard of before, and hopefully not forgotten: Increased precipitation in Antarctica.

The extra-heavy snowfall in Colorado a little while back is also very compatible with that expectation (note that it was unusually wet snow).

Don't be fooled by simplistic catch-phrases. The climate is complicated. When you give it more energy, stuff happens. Extreme stuff.

Neal J. King   ·  July 13, 2007 03:55 PM

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